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Seedlings Uniform

We are very excited to share with you that Seedlings nursery now has its own uniform.

The uniform will continue to be optional, however we do find that a uniform helps children to settle in and understand the difference between  ‘nursery days’ and ‘at home’ days. We suggest wearing black or grey bottoms with the uniform.

We have designed the uniform to be practical for washing and encourage independence. Green polo shirts without a logo can also be purchased from most supermarkets.

The polo shirt is currently available in age 2-3, 3-4 and 5-6. The zoodie is available in age 3-4 and 5-6. If you feel your child may need a bigger size, please let us know and we can discuss this with our supplier. Uniform is ordered through our nursery. You will be given an order form with your welcome pack, please return this to the school office.

Your child will also need a pair of wellies to keep in nursery, an appropriate coat and spare clothes.

In general, children need to wear comfortable clothes and shoes that do not restrict their movement. Clothes need to be weather appropriate for the time of year.

Play can be a messy business so please send your child in clothing that you do not mind getting dirty! Bringing a spare set of clothing along will help in the eventuality clothes get a little too mucky through the day!

We also ask that you consider fastenings on clothing, particularly trousers, to ensure that your child can go to the toilet easily.